Our Leadership

Pamela L. McCue, PhD, RN
Chief Executive Officer, NursesMC
As a registered nurse and leader on nursing workforce issues in the state of Rhode Island, Dr. Pamela McCue developed an acute awareness of the need for more nurses and a more diverse nursing workforce. In 2011, she founded the Rhode Island Nurses Middle College (RINI), the first public nursing high school designed to prepare students from backgrounds underrepresented in healthcare to enter college and the workforce. A decade later, she founded NursesMC™, a nonprofit charter management organization dedicated to taking this groundbreaking model of education developed and proven at RINI nationwide. NursesMC launched a second public nursing high school in the Albany, NY, area in 2023 and a third in Nashville, TN, in 2024. In addition to her advocacy work, Dr. McCue also speaks nationally about the need for NursesMC high schools across the nation.